Strategies for Improving Adherence

Several strategies and interventions have been proposed in the literature, but there remains uncertainty over their relative effectiveness. In a systematic review on studies to improve adherence to ART for people living with HIV, Mbuagbo et al. (2018) highlighted a range of interventions that can be applied to improve adherence. Their review included African-American, African, and Caribbean MSN patient cohorts and male prostitutes and intravenous drug abusers. The strategies highlighted include continued patient contact, improved access to medication and health services, continuous education, and any adherence barriers. 

*Source: 2014 data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Numbers and percentages are estimates.

Quinn and Voisin (2020) found that men who have sex with other men (MSM) face many social and structural barriers that hinder optimal ART adherence in the US. Some of the key challenges highlighted in this study include stigma, depression, violence, and substance use. Some of the promising solutions proposed by the authors include mHealth adherence interventions (Fuchs et al., 2018), promoting supportive social networks, and promoting positive attitudes and norms toward HIV in society. In addition to modifying patient behavior, the authors recommend that there should be strategies to address social barriers, such as developing tailored services aligned to the needs of Black MSM.

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